In the earlier days of the COVID pandemic, after a series of outdoor concerts, the Garneau
String Quartet was formed and recently became Ensemble-in-Residence at MacEwan
University Conservatory of Music in Edmonton, Alberta. The quartet is comprised of members
of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra – violinists Robert Uchida and Laura Veeze, violist Keith
Hamm, and cellist Julie Hereish.
As part of their residency, the quartet performs a series of concerts throughout the season.
They also coach young artists in the Chamber Music Academy Program who work with guest
artists, and participate in performance classes and recitals.
The GSQ has toured the province of Alberta and has collaborated with artists such as Tom
Allen, Lori Gemmel, Philip Chiu, Desmond Hoebig, Jessica Linnebach, and the Rosebud
String Quartet.
The quartet gratefully acknowledges the support of the descendants of Eleanor and Laurent
Garneau, for whom music and music making was, and is, a great source of inspiration and