Our Alumni
Since the very first PRISMA Festival held in 2013, our organization has mentored over 500 students from 32 countries. Some have gone on to win principal positions in professional orchestras around the world; others enjoy busy careers as soloists, guests artists, and instructors. We keep tabs on our alumni through email and social media and encourage past participants to get in touch with news and updates as their careers take flight.
- Diana Barbosa Araujo (Mexico)
- Lottie Bezemer (Netherlands)
- Zuzanna Budzyńska (Austria/Poland)
- Pei-Wu Derek Chen (USA/Taiwan)
- Heeyun Cho (Republic of Korea)
- Zoe D’Amico (USA)
- Maya Kilburn (USA)
- Tamzyn Klazek-Schryer (Canada)
- Sumin Lee (Republic of Korea)
- Salome Lomidze (USA/Georgia)
- Alicia Jeanelly Pasa Nugroho (Indonesia)
- Zoe Oda (USA)
- Esme Peters (USA)
- Evan Pyne (Canada)
- Paola Nava Romero (Mexico)
- Alan Bello Rosete (Mexico)
- Felix Shen (USA)
- Fei Tong (China)
- Kuan-Hao Yen (USA/Taiwan)
- Maddisyn Dixon Whitbourne (Australia)
- Zoey Dodson (USA)
- Grace Dowd (USA)
- Emma Dunbar (Canada)
- Kyran Klazek-Schryer (Canada)
- Minji Lee (Canada/Republic of Korea)
- Katherine Moran (USA/Canada)
- Syara Robert (USA)
- Deohanz Buenafe (USA)
- Kay Chen (Canada)
- Vinci Chen (Canada)
- Sarah Cupit (Canada)
- Alonso Flores (Canada)
- Jacob MacDonald (Canada)
- Diana Reid (USA)
- Jadwiga Roguska (Austria/Poland)
- Alexio Ciorra (USA)
- Mackenzie Gibbons (USA)
- Kevin Nunez Alejandro (USA)
- Jordan Pilla (USA)
- Shohei Yoshihara (Singapore/Japan)
- Liana Bartlett (USA)
- Jacob Cruz (USA)
- Dayna Hagstedt (USA)
- Jessica Wu (USA)
- Daniel Cruz (Colombia/USA)
- Laura Lambrech (USA)
- Selina Langfeldt (USA)
- Anne Winkelman (USA)
- Yu-Wen Huang (Taiwan)
- Abigail Martin (USA)
- Andrew Nguyen (USA)
- Erin Sercel (USA)
- Shelby Capozzoli (USA)
- Caleb Hutchings (USA)
- Samuel James (USA)
- Miles Mateus (USA)
- Sarah Bell (Canada)
- Julia Isabel Crawford (USA)
- Tyler Goldsmith (USA)
- Esther Orlov-Mayer (USA)
- Eric Russell (USA)
- Sebastián Villegas (Chile)
- Mark Barr (Canada)
- Kyra Hulligan (USA)
- Carlos Richter (USA)
- Joseph Sanchez (USA)
- Mauricio Fortuna (USA/Mexico)
- Ken Kagawa (USA)
- Marquis Wincher (USA)
Tom Yaron Meyerson (USA/Israel)
- Alexander Beel (USA)
- Thomas (Alex) Staten (USA)
- Kevin Tan (Singapore)
- Aiden Trinkner (USA)
- Marika Tsuchiya (USA/Japan)
- Katelyn Croft (USA)
- Michael Djabrov (USA)
- Isaac Hayward (USA/Australia)
- The Cuore Trio (Austria/Poland)
- Julie Lin (Canada)
- Edward Tan (Singapore)
- Kyu Ri Kim (Singapore / Republic of Korea)
- Serena Vanheuverswijn (Netherlands)
- Marta Florit Garcia (Spain)
- Chloë Elsenaar (Netherlands)
- Ting Wai Tegwen Sak (Canada / Hong Kong)
- Nora Lee (USA)
- Marcela Cerna (Peru)
- Kelsey Philbrick (USA)
- Adriaan van Es (Netherlands)
- Vivian Giesbertz (Netherlands)
- Elizabeth Martinez Rammirez (Mexico)
- Isabella MacLellan (Japan / Canada)
- Angela Lee (Canada)
- Hsin-Tzu Hsu (USA / Taiwan)
- Paula Nava Romero (Mexico)
- Anna Stanley (USA)
- Renyu Martin Peh (Singapore)
- Ye In Son (United States / Republic of Korea)
- Katherine Moran (Canada)
- Yixon Marin (Peru / Venezuela)
- Paula Sedeño Moreno (Spain)
- Ana La Salete Ferriera Vaz (Switzerland / Portugal)
- Joaquin Garcia (Canada)
- Juan Lin (Singapore)
- Maura Phelps (USA)
- Jacob MacDonald (Canada)
- Ángela Inés Fernández Bozal (Spain)
- Marina Sanchez Cabello (UK / Spain)
- Samuel Nadurak (Canada)
- Sara Strozzo (USA / Italy)
- Jadwiga Zofia Roguska (Austria / Poland)
- Hannah Novak (USA)
- Kuan-Chieh Lo (USA/ Taiwan)
- Harrison Dearman (USA)
- Brock Meades (Canada)
- Nodier Garcia (USA / Mexico)
- Dayna Hagstedt (USA)
- Isabel Evernham (USA)
- Jessica Wu (USA)
- Lauren Nelson (USA)
- Evelyn Holzinger (Germany / USA)
- Maren Tonini (USA)
- Myrthe Annemijne Egberink (Netherlands)
- Harry Hwang (USA)
- Tyler Baillie (USA)
- Mutian (Thomas) Shen (Hungary / China)
- Timothy Hanley (USA)
- Kylie Hansen (Canada / USA)
- Shelby Capozzoli (USA)
- Daniel McCarty (USA)
- Adelaide Braunhill (USA)
- Kieran Scruggs (USA)
- Tyler Goldsmith (USA)
- Esther Olorov-Mayer (USA)
- Timothy May (USA)
- Daniel Venglar (UK / USA)
- Sophie Urban (USA)
- Joshua Camper (USA)
- Marquis Wincher (USA)
- Kar-Chun (Tommy) Chiu (USA / Hong Kong)
- Taylor Jones (USA)
- Clayton Yoshifuku (USA)
- Alexander Tran (USA)
- Jackson Riffle (USA)
- Bo Fei Lu (USA / Taiwan)
- Carissa Ledesma (USA)
- Jonas Koh (USA)
- Charlotte Chong (Singapore)
- Yvonne Cox (USA)
- Pyeongkang Park (USA / Republic of Korea)
- Camilo Tellez (USA / Colombia)
- Concordia Quartet (Singapore)
- Julie Lin (Canada)*
- Yoanita Kartadihardja (Indonesia/Canada)*
- Ting Wai (Tegwen) Sak (Canada)*
- Elise Wiesinger (Canada)*
- Cleo Yong (Canada)º
- Megan Bibby (Canada)º
- Lea Fetterman (Canada)*
- Samuel Sun (USA)*
- Grace Leo (USA)*
- Kelsey Philbrick (USA)*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2022 PRISMA String Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, except for String Sextet denoted by º.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Maki Yamagata (Canada)º
- Amanda Steinemann (Canada)º
- Katherine Moran (Canada)*
- Rosie Bellow (USA)*
- Jasmine Maldonado (USA)*
- Heidi Schuppenhauer (USA)*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2022 PRISMA String Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, except for String Sextet denoted by º.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Holly McCallum (Canada)*
- Tiancheng Zhu (Canada)*
- Lyla Lee (Canada)*
- Bryan Lin (Canada)*
- Jose Enrico Tuazon (Canada)º
- Liam Epp (Canada)º
- Brant Miller (USA)*
- Jonathan Lin (USA)*
- Elliot Lippy (USA)*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2022 PRISMA String Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, except for String Sextet denoted by º.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Kelsea Hopkins (Canada)*
- Nicholas Boettcher (USA)*
- Noanddi Manigat (USA)*
- John Hunter (USA)*
- Rachel Vickery (USA)*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2022 PRISMA String Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, except for String Sextet denoted by º.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
In 2021, PRISMA operated with strings only due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our international program for full orchestra returned in 2022.
- Taeyeon Park, ROK
- Lucas Olsen-Willford, CAN
- Caitlin Brown, USA
- Hannah Park, CAN
- Kelsey Philbrick, USA*
- Hayden Burton, Australlia
- Mai Tategami, Japan*
- Sarah Kissinger, USA
- Julie Lin, CAN*
- Chloë Elsenaar, Netherlands*
- Michael Perry, USA*
- Mathilde Groen, Netherlands
- Johanna Feltkamp, Netherlands
- Daria Schibitcaia, CAN
- Jaedon Daly, CAN*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Christoph Chung, CAN*
- Katherine Moran, CAN*
- Rosie Bellow, USA
- Krista Swenson, USA*
- Heidi Schuppenhauer, USA
- Dhoyi Kim, ROK
- Kunjing Dai, China*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Jose Rios, Mexico*
- Jonathan Lin, USA*
- Niles Gunderson, USA
- Marina Sanchez Cabello, Spain
- Beatriz Perona Lopez, Spain
- Ethan Allers, CAN*
- Miguel Campos, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Jintao He, China*
- Justin Cao, USA*
- Rachel Vickery, USA*
- Arthur Kiederle, Germany*
- Sharon Montes, USA
- Ricardo Marzoratti, Canada*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Elizabeth McCormack, USA
- Seung Hyun (Sarah) Seo, ROK*
- Tessa Vermeulen, USA
- Chi Ting, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Abigail Pitts, USA*
- Anna Betuzzi, CAN*
- Tyler Romesberg, USA*
- Meng Ying Han, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Tyler Baillie, USA
- Paolo Sartori, Italy*
- Zachary Goldstein, CAN*
- Daniele Piazzoli, Italy
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Chaoyang Jing, USA*
- Madeleine Tung, USA*
- Isaac Sanabria, USA*
- Devin Cohen, USA
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Lily Judge, USA
- Kieran Scruggs, USA*
- Juanita Hohm, CAN
- Paolo Rosselli, CAN*
- Chia-ying Lin, Taiwan*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Joesph Reid, USA
- Benjamin Parker, CAN
- Ryan Evans, USA
- Daniel Venglar, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Kristofer Leslie, USA
- Philippe Voyer-Nguyen, CAN*
- Kar-Chun Chiu, USA*
- Scott Odou, USA
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Cyril Fonseca, CAN*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Bensen Kwan, USA*
- Dylan Di Mauro, USA
- Cheong Kah Yiong, Singapore*
- Carissa Ledesma, USA*
- Denton Sutherlin, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Rebekah Hou, USA
- Juan Riveros, USA*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Concordia Quartet (Kim Kyu Ri)*
List of students above indicates those who were accepted for into the 2020 PRISMA Festival Orchestra. (In-person PRISMA activities cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
* Denotes participation in online masterclass.
- Heeyun Cho, ROK
- Maalik Glover, USA
- Marie Hollifield, USA
- Izumi Hoshino, Japan
- Dabin Huh, ROK
- Olasuyi Ige, USA
- Amir Kadamani Gonzalez, COL
- Harry Kang, Canada
- Yu-Tung (Julie) Kao, TWN
- Alice Lee, USA
- Julie Lin, Canada
- Liya Ma, China
- Leonardo Matsuoka, USA
- TaeYeon Park, ROK
- Michael Perry, Bulgaria
- Amber Read, New Zealand
- Mai Tategami, Japan
- Kristina Tsanova, Bulgaria
- Tovin Allers, Canada
- Livio De Angelis, Italy
- Rosie Bellow, USA
- Samuel Choi, Canada
- Timothy Coté, Canada
- Sophie Courtney, USA
- Kunjing Dai, China
- Nicholas Shardlow, ENG
- Ethan Allers, Canada
- Joseph Eggleston, USA
- Isaac Kim, ROK
- YeEun Kim, ROK
- Raymond Newell, USA
- Zoraida Oyola, Peru
- Hyunji Yi, USA
- Sean Casey, USA
- Omar Martinez, USA
- Samuel Pasqualetto, BRA
- Katherine Reardon, USA
- Daniel Ryan, USA
- Martin Godoy, USA
- Katherine Hao, Canada
- Madeleine Strong, USA
- Zixuan Yan, China
- Gabrielle Alberico, USA
- Anna Betuzzi, Canada
- Simon McNamee, Canada
- Abigail Pitts, USA
- Fiona Slaughter, USA
- Tyler Baillie, USA
- Nikhil Bartolomeo, USA
- Connor Croasmun, USA
- Gregory Hamilton, USA
- Devin Cohen, USA
- Daniel McCarty, USA
- Pierre Trottin, France
- Alex Wenchao, China
- Rebecca Baron, USA
- Chandler Beck, USA
- Devin Driggs, USA
- Chia-Ying Lin, USA
- Maya Norman, USA
- Filip Czarkowski, USA
- Henri Ferland, Canada
- Benjamin Parker, USA
- Luke Sargent, USA
- Anthony Cosio-Marron, USA
- Scott Odou, USA
- Jett Walker, USA
- Cyril Fonseca, Canada
- Ashton Prince, USA
- Alexander Skinner, USA
- Max Stewart, USA
- Zachary Strickland, USA
- Joseph Visseaux, France
- Taylor Fleshman, USA
- Elise Veyres, France
- Andrew Kim, ROK
- David Vess, USA
- Hong You, Republic of Korea
- Alexis Meschter, USA
- Taeyeon Park, Republic of Korea
- Heeyun Cho, Republic of Korea
- Michael Perry, USA
- Dabin Huh, Republic of Korea
- Liya Ma, China
- Zheng Wang, China
- Kyu Ri Kim, Republic of Korea
- Anna Johnson, USA
- Natalija Stošić, Serbia
- Suhyoung (Sunny) Park, Republic of Korea
- Anna Kasperovic, Lithuania
- Maria Sosnowska, Poland
- Anna Smith, USA
- Baik Hyelim, Republic of Korea
- Jaeheung Lee, Republic of Korea
- Hyunji Jang, Republic of Korea
- Samuel Choi, Canada
- Jacob van der Sloot, Canada
- Jiawei Yan, USA
- Amelia Abouljoud, USA
- Dhoyi Kim, Republic of Korea
- Joseph Landis, USA
- Gris Moreno, USA
- Martyna Markowska, Poland
- Carolina Bartumeu, Spain
- Doyun Kim, Republic of Korea
- Irene (Jimin) Lee, Republic of Korea
- Kenneth Rose, USA
- Tamalynn O’Grady, USA
- Tim Gales, USA
- Namseok Kim, Republic of Korea
- Ethan Allers, Canada
- Jeremy Warner, USA
- John Hunter, USA
- Peter Eratostene, Canada
- Leo Laniece, Canada
- Sofia Leal de Leon, Mexico
- Katharine Hao, Canada
- Sierra Schmeltzer, USA
- Justina Chu, USA
- Natalia Kaminska-Palarczyk, USA
- Vincenzo Volpe, USA
- Alec Harmon, Great Britain
- Lilli Samman, USA
- Emily Brownlee, Canada
- Fiona Slaughter, USA
- Anna Betuzzi, Canada
- Gregory Hamilton, USA
- Julia Ansolabehere, USA
- Amanda Robertson, Canada
- Timothy Hanley, USA
- Mia Zamora, USA
- Pierre Trottin, France
- Siping Guo, China
- Keegan Hockett, USA
- Ian Schneiderman, USA
- Gabrielle Hartman, USA
- Devin Reddy, USA
- Kyle Ko, USA
- Zhanglong Wu, China
- Erika Hollister, USA
- Paige Summach, Canada
- Kiersten Gustafson, USA
- Sarah Rodnick, Canada
- Angela Chi, Canada
- Henri Ferland, Canada
- Declan Scott, Canada
- Connor Johnson, USA
- Brennan Rudy, USA
- Benjamin Parker, USA
- Thomas McKee, USA
- Matthew Guidry, Canada
- Marie-Ange Boislard, Canada
- Andrew Broughton, Canada
- Zachary Grass, USA
- Derek Koh, Singapore
- Parker Tee, Malaysia
- Jose Rosa Santos, Puerto Rico
- Dominic Grande, USA
- Adrienne Anaya, USA
- Glain Dafydd, Great Britain
- Taylor Fleshman, USA
- Phoebe Durand McDonnell, USA
- Kelsey Sham, USA
- David Bui, Germany
- Luke Berringer, USA
- Miranda Arrighi, Australia
- Iain Crampton, USA
- Daniel Fields, USA
- Magdalena Folwarska, Poland
- Maalik Glover, USA
- Fátima Judit Hernández Silva, Mexico
- Emma Jensen, USA
- Harry Kang, Canada
- Natalie Mann, USA
- Anele Mhlahlo, South Africa
- Yuseon Nam, Republic of Korea
- Taeyeon Park, Republic of Korea
- Ewa Pawlowska, Poland
- Boreum Pyo, Republic of Korea
- Stiliana Ravelska, Finland
- Jiwon Ryu, Republic of Korea
- Yoonju Shin, Republic of Korea
- Hong You, Republic of Korea
- Kevin Belvedere, Canada
- Carlos De Santiago Fuente, Mexico
- Magdalena Gonos, Poland
- Wesley Hunter, USA
- Jeongwon Kim, Republic of Korea
- Jiawei Yan, China
- Megan Chartier, USA
- Laurence Gaudreau, Canada
- Stephen Hawkey, USA
- Sehwa Kang, Republic of Korea
- Doyun Kim, Republic of Korea
- Urszula Markowska, Poland
- Graeme Delahey, Canada
- Emmett Fortosky, Canada
- Nodier Garcia, Mexico
- Joseph Giesting, USA
- Cole Morrison, USA
- Krystal Ankerbrand, USA
- Noelle Campen, USA
- Aydan Hensley, USA
- Sierra Schmeltzer, USA
- Yuexuan Chi, China
- Ashley Cook, USA
- Kara Loewer, Canada
- Jordan Pyle, USA
- Gregory Hamilton, USA
- Julia Ansolabehere, USA
- Amanda Robertson, Canada
- Timothy Hanley, USA
- Mia Zamora, USA
- Alexandra Johnson, USA
- Philip McNaughton, USA
- Michelle Ward, USA
- Brady Diffee, USA
- Angela Fiorini, USA
- David Hall, USA
- Daniel Remme, USA
- Sengthian Sisayaket, USA
- Gillian Chreptyk, Canada
- Katherine Cosgrove, USA
- Malcolm Shier, Canada
- Rebecca Buringrud, USA
- Maciej Chyży, Poland
- Katie Franke, USA
- Mariana Villegas Rivera, USA
- Zachary Grass, USA
- Alex Artale, Canada
- Trevor Barroero, USA
- Adam Dopierala, USA
- Justin Doute, USA
- Bensen Kwan, USA
- Julian Schubel, South Africa
- Zepherine Feraud-Poirier, Canada
- Eleanor Kirk, USA
- Jaelem Bhate, Canada
- Jordan Cohen, USA
- Motoki Tanaka, Japan
- Asia Doike, USA
- Shannon Fitzhenry, USA
- Sophie Fortunato, USA
- Magdalena Gacek, Poland
- Grace Kim, USA
- Samantha Kung, Canada
- Minjin Lee, Republic of Korea
- Marija McKenna
- Minja McKenna
- Maitreyi Muralidharan, USA
- Kristen Olson, USA
- Brian Ostrega, USA
- Sooyeon Park, Republic of Korea
- John-Paul Radelet, Canada
- Fangming Shen, China
- Madison Van de Wetering, USA
- Ziran Xu, Canada
- YiRan Hu, China
- Onyou Lee, Republic of Korea
- Rowan Osborne, Canada
- Jeremy Tonelli-Sippel, USA
- Roshini Traynor, USA
- Wennie Wei, Canada
- Jiawei Yan, China
- Emily Allen, USA
- Ashley Green, Canada
- Ashton Lim, Canada
- Zoraida Oyola Rebaza, Peru
- Eli Schweitzer, Canada
- Charlee Wielgoz, Canada
- Allen Zhou, Canada
- Graeme Delahey, Canada
- Nodier Garcia, Mexico
- Rebecca Maxwell, USA
- Lukas Peladeau, Canada
- Youngki Lee, Republic of Korea
- Philipp Mellies, Germany
- Alena Wilsdorf, Germany
- Michelle Zarco, USA
- Lydia Consilvio, USA
- Ruchika Gambhir, Thailand
- Jasper Igusa, USA
- Kelley Tracz, USA
- Abbegail Atwater, USA
- Steven Christ, USA
- Emily Mehigh, USA
- Lara Vercher Colomer, Spain
- Jordan Bidwell, USA
- Mok Cheong Goh, Singapore
- Joseph Swift, USA
- Valérie Trangez, Belgium
- Ivy Chao, Canada
- Duane Kirkpatrick, Canada
- Dan Remme, USA
- Wendy Stenger, Canada
- Caelan Stewart, USA
- Wade Williford, USA
- Matthew Bloomfield, USA
- Sarah Devlin, Canada
- Michael Meo, USA
- Chris Pate, USA
- Collin Logsdon, USA
- Aaron Chan, Canada
- Michael Martinez, USA
- Patrick McGihon, USA
- Michael Stanton, USA
- Chance Trottman-Huiet, USA
- Trevor Barroero, USA
- Ramiro Compres, Dominican Republic
- Adam Dopierala, USA
- Ryan Fox, USA
- Jacob Ottmer, USA
- Rosanna Chiu, Canada
- Veronique Drozdz, Canada
- Eleanor Kirk, USA
- Tamara Dworetz, USA
- Cullan Lucas, USA
- Jessical Morel, USA
- Daniel Wiley, USA
- Nicholas Bentz, USA
- Marcio Candido, Brazil
- Hélène Drouguet, Belgium
- Shannon Fitzhenry, USA
- Aliayta Foon-Dancoes, Canada
- Sophie Fortunato, USA
- Cheng Hsuan Ho, Canada
- Grace Kim, USA
- Haley Kovach, USA
- Dae Yun Kwon, USA
- Maitreyi Muralidharan, USA
- Mily Mustelier Charadan, Cuba
- Christina Nam, USA
- Madison Van de Wetering, USA
- Lauren Irschick, Canada
- Wesley Hunter, USA
- Onyou Lee, Republic of Korea
- Melissa McGlumphy, USA
- Nicholas Cheon, USA
- Eleanor Hopwood, USA
- Alanna Hunter, Canada
- Anna Patterson, USA
- Eli Schweitzer, Canada
- Lyon Beckers, Canada
- August Berger, USA
- Matteo Ferrero-Wong, Canada
- Redd Ingram, USA
- Brandon Sked, Canada
- Taylor Tracy, USA
- Ayida Chan, USA
- Chase McClung, USA
- Agata Tucholka, Poland
- Ieng Wai Wong, Macau
- Vidyasagar Anupindi, USA
- Kathryn Bloise, USA
- Rachel Domingue, Canada
- Garrett Hale, USA
- Richard Dobeck, USA
- Emily Mehigh, USA
- Kaiwen Miao, Singapore
- Joshua Zung, Canada
- Chris Foss, USA
- Hannah Previty, USA
- Valérie Trangez, Belgium
- Michelle Ward, USA
- Caitlin Brody, USA
- Stephen Buley, USA
- Jon Holloway, USA
- Pei Jyun Syu, Taiwan
- Yi-Hsun Tang, Taiwan
- Drew Wright, USA
- Émilie Fortin, Canada
- Shulamit Sternin, Canada
- Malcolm Shier, Canada
- Julien Theodor, Belgium
- John Wogaman, USA
- Kyle Winterboer, USA
- Adam Dopierala, USA
- Ana Gasco Gomez, Spain
- Tristan Holleufer, Canada
- Hans Verhoeven, Canada
- Güneş Hizlilar, Turkey
- Nicole Chang, USA
- Hayden Denesha, USA
- Evan Hesketh, Canada
- Colin Oettle, USA
- Seunghan Baek, Republic of Korea
- Nicholas Bentz, USA
- Sophie Fortunato, USA
- Brenna Hartmann, Canada
- Hannah Herriman, Australia
- Madeline Hocking, Canada
- Dae Yun Kwon, Republic of Korea
- Emily Mullaney, USA
- Maitreyi Muralidharan, USA
- William Myers III, USA
- Peter Paetkau, USA
- Eliann Reinhardt, USA
- Yusheng Yang, Taiwan
- Jeffrey Chow, Canada
- Eugene Dyson, USA
- Onyou Lee, Republic of Korea
- Erin Macdonald, Canada
- Keren Canche Mass, Mexico
- Nicholas Denton, Canada
- Angela Kim, Canada
- Olivia Saurette, USA/Canada
- Hsin Hou Sun, Hong Kong
- Charlotte Tyhurst, Canada
- Min Hye Yeo, Republic of Korea
- Stuart Anderson, USA
- Jess Block, USA
- Chantel Leung, Canada
- Jesse Lu, Canada
- Myles Tsue, Canada
- Yefeng Yin, Canada
- Elke Elsen, Belgium
- Allison Hughes, USA
- Hannah Porter Occena, USA
- Agata Tucholka, Poland
Samuel Clark
Celina Hawkins
Jillian Honn
Elena Sloman
- Ivan Hernandez, Mexico
- John Hong, USA
- Thomas Ingram, Canada
- Peter Lee, Canada
- Cameron Burnes, Australia
- Andrew Gascon, USA
- Nicholas Ober, USA
- Anthony Redmer, USA
- Colin Mannes, USA
- Alec Richardson, Canada
- Caroline Baker, USA
- David Jones, USA
- Collin Lloyd, Canada
- Wendy Stenger, Canada
- Isabelle Arseneau-Bruneau, Canada
- Boone Constantinides, USA
- Sam Singeltary, USA
- Malcolm Shier, Canada
- William Broverman, Canada
- Amanda Chan, Canada
- Yoshiki Matsuura, Japan
- Casey McClary, Canada
- Malcolm Kellett-Cooke, Canada
- Ryan Fox, USA
- Zachary Gutierrez, USA
- Jacob Gutierrez, USA
- Adrienne Bassett, USA
- Charlene Chin, USA
- Karen Koh, Singapore
- Kyle Baldwin, USA
- Alana Chan, Hong Kong
- Luis Clemente, Portugal
- Mercedez Diaz Garcia, Spain
- Kimberly Durflinger, USA
- Molly Evans-Stocks, Canada
- Frédéric Michaud, Canada
- William Myers III, USA
- Nadia Petriw, Canada
- Raina Saunders, Canada
- Fermín Segarra-Cordero, Puerto Rico
- Heewoo Seo, Republic of Korea
- Madeline Speller, Canada
- Charlee Wielgoz, Canada
- Sze Chiann Woon, Malaysia
- Yu-Sheng Yang, Taiwan
- Eunkyung Yun, Republic of Korea
- Craig Denton, Canada
- Noah Dresser, USA
- Melissa McGlumphy, USA
- Jamie Pollock, Australia
- Matthew Readdick, USA
- Maria Caswell, USA
- Jisoo Han, Republic of Korea
- Amina Holloway, Canada
- Eli Schweitzer, Canada
- Yanicxi Zuñiga, Costa Rica
- Trevor Drew, USA
- Hillary Fuller, USA
- Byrann Gowan, Canada
- Hannah Macgillivray, Canada
- Jordan Miller, Canada
- Evan Pardi, USA
- Francesca Ferrara, USA
- Hannah Hammel, USA
- Jennifer Kennedy, USA
- Chaz Salazar, USA
- Erica Zheng, Canada
- Eric Chow, Canada
- Oliver Cowley, Canada
- Katrina Kwantes, USA
- Ling-Chun Yeh, USA
- David Dumais, Canada
- Stefani Feldman, USA
- Vincent Morris, USA
- Mason Adams, USA
- Cameron Burnes, Australia
- Kirsten Filbrandt, USA
- Colin Mannes, USA
- Alec Richardson, Canada
- Jonathan Astley, Canada
- Holly Bryan, Canada
- Fiona Chisholm, Canada
- Siobhan Dillon, Canada
- Rachel O’Connor, Canada
- Emil Holmesland, Norway
- Daniel Lehmann, Canada
- Matthew Richard, Canada
- Julius Stein-Supanich, USA
- Emily Hanley, UK
- Liam Caveney, Canada
- Sarah Lamb, USA
- Richard Leonard, UK
- Katherine Tesarowski, Canada
- Sean Buckley, Canada
- Lishan Wang, Canada
- Robin Doyon, Canada
- Tian Hui Ng, USA
From 2004 until 2012, 682 students from all over the world came to Powell River to study at the precursor to PRISMA, known as Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacific (SOAP). PRISMA is proud to carry on the excellence in orchestra performance and education initiated by SOAP. Click here for a full list of past participants.